Monday, September 9, 2019

Hosanna Emily on The Torch Keepers

Hosanna, welcome to Homeschool Authors! Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hello, and thank you so much for this opportunity!  My name is Hosanna Emily, and I’m an ordinary girl following an extraordinary God.  I seek to share the Lord’s beauty through my writing from poetry, blog posts, novels, and more, and I believe young people can change the world if they’re fully surrendered to Christ.

Everyone’s homeshooling experience is different. What do you think made yours unique?
Good question! I think the biggest difference in my homeschooling experience was that my parents were diligent to seek out my giftings and talents and cultivate them specifically.  For instance, I was able to start earning college credit at age 13, and I graduated with a BA in English through Thomas Edison State University a year after graduating from High School.  Being homeschooled helped me pursue the degree quicker, cheaper, and I learned about topics I wanted to pursue in English.
Also, as my parents and I realized that I had a gift for writing, we were able to focus on that.  They selected curriculum that highlighted areas of writing that were not only educational but also exactly what I needed in my writing journey.
Overall, being homeschooled gave me a big boost in my writing, and it helped me to see that teenagers and young adults don’t have to wait to do big things in life!

How did being homeschooled prepare you to write?
If I wasn’t homeschooled, I wouldn’t have discovered my passion for writing.  So that’s kinda big.  =)
I was a pre-teen when I wrote a short story that sparked an excitement for writing.  My mom proof-read it and came back with critiques.  But she also had huge encouragement for me.  From that day on, I realized the power of words—I could write stories that blessed people.
So I did.  As a young teenager, I threw aside grammar books and instead wrote a novella.  Because of being homeschooled, I was able to find curriculum that taught me how to write books instead of only sticking to strict grammar guides. The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser, a mystery story, came out of that time, and I learned so much more about grammar rules than I ever would have in years of bookwork!  Since then, my homeschooling schedule allowed me to both finish highschool, pursue college, and still have time to write the stories God put into my heart.

What caused you to start writing?
I started writing when I was young.  With a notebook paper, I wrote short stories with no dialogue (because the extra words wouldn’t fit on the paper).  When my little brother began to copy my stories, I got upset and tried not to read them to him anymore.  That being said, we’re best friends now.  =)
What really got me writing was a middle-school curriculum called Jump In.  It was the best. school. book. ever.  Through that book, I wrote my first “good short story” that sparked ideas for others.  And it taught me more—poetry, outlining, articles.  I dipped my feet in the water, and soon I began to lunge in.
Simply put, God kept giving me stories.  I had to continue writing them down.

What inspired The Torch Keepers?
Somewhere along the time of busyness of school and writing stories, I read an article online.
The news story had a picture of two beautiful girls.  But the words below them made me stare in shock.  The teenagers had decided to run away from home and join an Islamic terrorist group.
I remember reading those words, wondering how on earth two lovely, gifted girls could do something like that.  Yet eventually time passed, and I forgot.
Then, during a course in creative writing, I needed to write a short story.  Accidentally, I wrote those girls’ story.
I wrote a story about someone who made mistakes.  Someone who was beautiful and treasured and loved but chose the darkness instead of the light.  I wrote the story I wanted those two girls to read—to tell them that one is never too far gone.  There is always hope.  They are still loved.
But the short story ended, and I put it away.  Until God gently pulled it back out.  He woke me up with story ideas until I stopped arguing and began to write them down.  And in a two-month novel contest, I wrote Kadira’s story, The Torch Keepers.  In every single step of the way, God lead me and blew me away with His amazing love.
Because He never forgot the two girls in the article.  He cherished them, despite their decisions.
So He let me put them in a fantasy world and write their stories.

Would you give us a synopsis?
The King's blue flame quivers as a new fire arises, and Kadira must hold fast to his torch. It's destiny; she's a Torch Keeper. 

A fiery revolution sweeps across the kingdom of Érkeos, and each person must choose a side. Kadira, a girl set apart to serve the King, finds her city engulfed in the Liberation's emerald flames. Her blue eyes mark her as the enemy, and she flees from death. It stalks her anyway. When she meets Rekém, the Liberation warrior sent to kill her, she rebels against the King's ways. Two armies collide; indecision isn't an option. As hearts and lives hang in the balance, Kadira and Rekém could bring destruction or liberation to the entire kingdom.

Who will enjoy The Torch Keepers?
I wrote The Torch Keepers for young adult fantasy-lovers who want to experience a new world.  Through the allegorical story, I want readers of all backgrounds and beliefs to know that they’re never alone, and they can be redeemed and forgiven always.

Where can people buy your book?
My first novella, The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser, is available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback format.
The Torch Keepers, is to be released on the first of September, and it will also be available on Amazon as well as other possible sites to be announced!

Do you plan to write more books?
The question is, will God stop giving me stories?  =)
The Torch Keepers has a sequel coming soon (!) as well as possible other stories.  And the Lord hasn’t stopped giving me scenes and books and adventures.  So I don’t see an end date of writing books in sight.  I’m so thrilled to discover them!

Where can people connect with you online?
You can connect with me on my blog:
Or to see a glimpse into my real life + book announcements + deeper thoughts, you can follow me on Instagram: @hosanna.emily

Do you have any final thoughts?
Thank you so much for allowing me to share my story and the ways God has moved in my life!  And friend, no matter what your story is, it’s beautiful.  God has an amazing plan for your life.  It might not be what you think or want or expect, but when we surrender to His will, give our all to Him, it’s good.
He is a good, good Father.  God writes the best life stories; and you’re always loved.

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