Statement of Faith
All men have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.
There is one and only one God who exists in three persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Son, Jesus, was born of a virgin, the only son of the father, lived a perfect life, died on the cross and came back to life on the third day.
He provides the only way for salvation for the man's soul to all people who confess with their mouths that he is Lord and believe in their hearts that he was raised from the dead.
The Bible is God-breathed and is infallible.
Christ will return, though no one knows the day or the hour.
Book Standards
We only post books by homeschool students and graduates. A homeschool student or graduate is defined by this website as a person who is/has been educated at home for all/most of their K-12 years.
Many books included on this blog's list may not meet the blog administrator's standards or those of the other authors listed. However, we do not post books that have the following:
Strong Language: if mild language is included, a warning about the book is added.
Witchcraft: while that administers of Homeschooled Authors do not like magic, we will list fantasy books that have magic content. We are aware that there are very different opinions on this subject within the Christian community. We wish to be as inclusive as possible. However, we reserve the right to refuse books that openly appear to promote witchcraft as a positive thing, especially those that are not in a fantasy setting.
Sexual Content: we will not post a book knowingly that has any 'bedroom' scenes or glorifies sexual relationships outside of marriage.
Mocking of Christianity: this website is overtly Christian and does not pretend to be otherwise. We will not list books that mock Christians or their beliefs.
We will remove any books we find that violate these standards. We also will remove any authors that mock/live a lifestyle, that does not line up with traditional Christian beliefs.
If you have any questions about these standards contact us at
We reserve the right to remove any book or author for any reason.
We reserve the right to remove any book or author for any reason.