
Some books may not be appropriate for children, young teens, or meet with the blog authors approval.  If you think any of these books does not meet our standards, you can contact us at thedestinyofone(at)yahoo(dot)com.

HAR = Homeschool Author Review

Interviewed! = Link to Homeschool Authors Interview

Barrett, Elysse
  1. Fathers and Daughters
Botkin, Anna Sofia and Elizabeth
  1. So Much More
  2. It's (Not That) Complicated
Bryant, Sarah
  1. The Family Daughter
  2. The Thing I Desire
  3. The Young Maid
  4. The Maiden's Menu
Burkum, Rachel L.
  1. Under Construction
  2. God at the Reins
Clarkson, Sarah
  1. Read for the Heart: Whole Books for WholeHearted Families
  2. Journey's of Faithfulness: Stories for the Heart for Faithful Girls
  3. Caught Up in a Story
  4. The Lifegiving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming

Daniels, Katie Lynn


  1. Sanctity of Life                                   HAR
  2. The Universe, Science, and God

Darlington, C. J.

Duggan, Hannah Rose
  1. Just Us Girls
  2. Dare Greatly
Dunn, Kyleigh
  1. The Christian Musician: Taking "playing music to the glory of God" from idea to reality
Ellison, Melanie
  1. Chucking College
Erickson, Mark and Steven
  1. The Beginner Book
  2. The Battle Book
  3. The Greco-Roman Book
  4. The Egypt Book
  5. The Barbarian Book
  6. The Armored Glove Book
  7. The Armor of God
  8. The Knight Book
Evangeline, Molly
Farver, Hannah
  1. Uncompromising
  1. Stories for God's Glory
Grubb, Christina
  1. Send Me, Lord Jesus
Hamilton, Rachel
  1. Hidden Struggles: Purity, God, Guys and Life
Harris, Alex and Brett
  1. Do Hard Things
  2. Start Here
Holden, Trina
  1. Real (Fast) Food
  2. Embracing Beauty
  3. Your Real Food Journey
Holman, Sarah
  1. There Was Always Laughter in Our House
Honn, Jesse
  1. Everyday Life Advice

Howard, Olivia

  1. Fresh Modesty: Creating Custom Swimwear
  2. Fresh Modesty: How To Sew Denim
Lucas, Vicki V.
  1. The Truth about Angels
Macintyre, Scott
  1. By Faith, Not by Sight    HAR

Mally, Sarah, Grace, Stephen, and Harold
  1. Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends
  2. Before You Meet Prince Charming
  3. Will Our Generation Speak?
Marr, Misty
  1. Lessons Learned: My Journey Through Pregnancy Miscarriage and Preterm Labor
  2. A Guide to Preventing and Treating Preterm Labor Naturally

Morganthal, Isabella
  1. I Dare You
  2. The King's Princess: A Magazine Compilation
  3. Worth It All: Running the Race of a Lifetime
  4. Yes, You Can: A Guide to Writing and Sharing Your Story
  5. Journey of Faith: A Devotional for Young Women
Mount, Daniel J.
  1. The Faith of America's Presidents
  2. Dianne Wilkinson: The Life and Times of a Gospel Songwriter
  3. Southern Gospel Journal: An Anthology
Nyquist, Natalie
  1. Quest for the High Places
  2. Pearl of Beauty; Becoming Maidens of Purity
Prins, Benita J.
  1. Aratar, Peredhil, and Halflings, Oh My!: The Ultimate Tolkien Quiz
Puetz, Amy
Putman, Cara
  1. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Business Law

Rittenhouse, Rachel
  1. 10 Easy Steps for Writing and Publishing
  1. War Games: Classic Fiction for the Christian Life
  2. The Epic of Reformation: A Guide to the Faerie Queene
Sager, Nicole
  1. A Tale of Two Siblings
  2. Great Expectations: Rising Above the Bog of Singleness
Smith, Jordan
  1. Finding the Core of Your Story    HAR
  2. Loglines in the Wild
Snyder, Rebekah 
  1. Beyond Waiting    HAR
Tetzlaff, Mark
  1. Victory Over Codependency: Uncover the #1 Cause of Turmoil in Relationships
Tero, Amanda
  1. Me? Teach Piano?
Thomson, Rachel Starr
  1. Heart to Heart: Meeting With God in the Lord’s Prayer
  2. Letters to a Samuel Generation
  3. Fifty Shades of Loved
  4. Mind Soul Ink Paper: And Other Essays on Faith, Reading, and Writing 
  5. Now for the Not-Yet: And Other Essays on Everyday Discipleship  
  6. Letters to a Samuel Generation: The Collection
  7. Still Praying in the Wilderness and Other Essays for the Spiritually Thirsty 
  8. Undivided Devotion
Tyler, Daniel
  1. How to Be Tacticool: A Satirical Guide
Valle, Anita
  1. Dog Cartoons Coloring Book
  2. 50 Princesses A Coloring Book 
  3. Alphabet Monsters Coloring Book
  4. The Busy Princess Diary
  5. Best Princess Coloring Book
  1. Thoughts on the Theme of Life
  2. The "Best" Poems
Weaver, Anna R.
  1. That's How We Roll: A Hilariously True Tale of Life on the Open Road 
  2. Surviving the Revival: A glimpse into the life of the Weaver Family Band
Weiland, K. M.
  1. Outlining Your Novel; Map Your Way to Success
  2. Structuring Your Novel
  3. Conquering Writer's Block and Summoning Inspiration
  4. Creating Character Arcs: The Masterful Author's Guide to Uniting Story Structure, Plot, and Character Development
Wiley, Amy (Director of Peculiar People)
  1. Bring Your Writing to Life

Wickham, Natalie
  1. Pajama School   HAR
  2. Born to Deliver (this book may not be suitable for younger readers)