Hi Sarah! Thanks so much for the opportunity to chat. I live in Texas with my husband and our two kids. I stay at home with the kids and we homeschool, which works wonderfully for us all. As a family, we enjoy going to the lake and camping, archery, and just spending time together. I personally also enjoy photography, crochet, baking, learning about essential oils, and writing.
Everyone’s homeshooling experience is different. What do you think made yours unique?
My parents began homeschooling me in the first grade and I graduated in 1996, so when I was younger, homeschooling wasn't nearly as popular as it is now. A lot of kids weren't homeschooled through high school. I remember my mom going through the roster lists for the homeschool groups we were a part of, looking for families with older kids to get to know and do things with. It took a lot of effort on her behalf, but she always had things set up for my two brothers and I. It's a very different world now. There are more groups and activities to participate in.
How did being homeschooled prepare you to write?
I loved to write and I did a lot of it. Homeschooling gave me more opportunities to write throughout the day. My parents also tried to locate more specific books for creative writing for me to help develop my writing skills.
What caused you to start writing?
I couldn't even tell you, honestly. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Even when I was very young, I would write simple episodes for shows like Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers, tracing pictures from coloring books for the illustrations. What I write has changed through the years, but the need to express my thoughts and ideas through writing has only gotten stronger.
What inspired Finding Hope?
I have several family members and friends who have had to face cancer. While I personally have not been down that road, I know how difficult the journey was for them. I wanted to write a book that showed God's faithfulness during some of the hardest times in our lives.
Would you give us a synopsis?
Of course!

Lance Davenport has cared for Lexi since they were kids. Between their age difference and bad timing, he's turned burying his feelings into an art. Now, watching Lexi battle with cancer has made him realize just how much he's missed. He doesn't know what their future holds, but he's determined to not waste another minute.
The people closest to Lexi pull together as she tries to navigate her way down a path none of the them ever dreamed she'd have to travel.
Who will enjoy Finding Hope?
Anyone who enjoys a sweet, inspirational romance novel. All of my books are clean with no sex, language, or excessive violence. While they all have a Christian theme, I don't preach to my readers.
Do you plan to write more books?
Absolutely! This is only the beginning. I'm working on my series, Love's Compass, right now. But I have a couple of standalone books planned plus a science fiction series for the future. Writing is such a big part of who I am, I can't imagine not continue to share more books with my readers.
Where can people connect with you online?
I would love for people to connect with me in any of the following areas:
Website (and blog): http://www.melaniedsnitker.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melaniedsnitker
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MelanieDSnitker
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/melaniedsnitker
Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/author/melaniesnitker
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/melaniedsnitker/
Thanks for the opportunity! Have a blessed day!