Emily Ann Putzke
I’m the third out of four kids. Jamie’s the oldest and she’s married to Stephen. They have 4 kiddos: Ava, Clare, Emeric, and Gabriel. My brother, Timothy, comes next. He’s married to Maria (she’s my book editor) and they just had their first daughter, Chiara Magdalena, in June! Then there’s me, the crazy writer lady who drinks lots of coffee and likes polka dots. The youngest is Haley. She’s 11 and is still being homeschooled. We have a wonderful mom and dad who encourage us and love us. I like being related to all these amazing people. =)
Kendra Ardnek
My Family: This was taken last Easter. First we have me, author extraordinaire, laughing at whatever it was the photographer just said. Then we have our dad, Tim, who is a basketball referee, and is a host over at Rapture Ready Radio. My sister, V. Kathie, who enjoys drawing, the violin, sewing, and trying to keep up with me in writing. Then our brother, Scholar, who loves learning, especially science. Our mom, who is an amazing teacher and has not only homeschooled the four of us since I started school (early), but also teaches a friend's kids as well. And finally, Sunshine, the baby of the family, who is quite the character and wants to be a princess. Either that or a bird, so she can fly.
Sarah Holman
Back row, Dad, my brother Micheal, and my Mom
Middle row: Grace, Mikayla, and Rose
Front row: Myself and Rebekkah
We are standing in a field of bluebonnets, on of our favorite sights around Easter time in Texas.
All of us live at home, pursuing what God has for us. My brother is a nursing student, Rose works part time at a thrift store, and volunteers at the hospital most of the rest of the time. Grace is always making something with beads, Rebekkah raises goats and chickens. Mikayla is just finishing high school and deciding what is next in her life.
My mom still makes out house the best place to come home too, while my dad works hard at his job with the Sate of Texas.
Kendra, I love how your family picture so perfectly captures your family's personalities. :) And those blue bonnets are indeed pretty!