Jenelle Schmidt ~ When I am reading (or watching movies/TV for that matter), the
things I most hope to find are compelling heroes, witty humor, a mystery of
some kind, adventure, and a story that is family-friendly.
Claire Banschbach ~ I love adventure stories, and stories that are full of snappy dialogue and witty banter especially between good friends. I’m not a huge fan of pure romance novels but I do like a decent splash of it in stories. Give me a story about friendship and family, with a few action sequences, possibly a dragon or a griffin, and I’m more than happy.
Morgan Huneke ~ The thing I want most from books is for it to make me think. Fluffy fun stories are good while they last, adventure stories are exciting while you’re in the midst of them, romantic storylines are squeal-worthy while they’re happening, but it’s the deep stuff, the material that makes me think, that sticks with me. I like books that make me ponder moral and theological questions, history and politics. Of course it has to be wrapped up in a good, clean story with relatable characters, because if it’s not, I don’t care enough to keep reading. But still, good characters and an interesting story are not enough to firmly implant a story in my brain. Depth of meaning will.
Amber Schamel ~ I love a good plot with deep characters. I also love what our family calls “quotables” in the book. These are the lines that become an expression used often in our house. We take quotables from movies, books, sermons, and daily experiences. The Amazing Grace movie has a lot of quotables. One of those that my family uses all the time is “Sorry, private joke.” :D
The Ice Age film also has a lot of quotables. "It's clean!" or "No thanks. I choose life." Haha, my family has so much fun with these, so we love to see them in books too.
Rebekah A. Morris ~ When I open the pages of a book, I expect to find words. English words, to be more specific.
Oh, I was supposed to say something more. I like a good plot line. I enjoy mysteries, adventure, and maybe a little romance. Great dialogue that doesn’t sound out of place with the setting, characters that sound, feel and act real are also looked for. In other words, I want a well written story.
Seeing some common threads here. :D